Settlers and Warriors

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When you start a new account, you can decide, whether you want to play as a Settler or as a Warrior:

Siedler-Krieger eng.JPG

Which decision is right for you depends on your style of playing. Here you find a detailed description of the differences between Settlers and Warriors:

Differences between Settlers and Warriors

Settlers Warriors
Conquering neutral fields without losing honor up to 500 fields up to 400 fields
Long lasting wars (400 ticks) possible no yes
Hero Blacksmith no yes
Hero Crusader no yes
Hero Swordmaster no yes
Hero Mighty Warrior no yes
Hero Bowyer yes no
Hero Spearmaster yes no
Hero Healer yes no
Hero Builder yes no
Hero trait Blessing yes no
Research cost Peasantry standard increased
Research cost Military increased standard
Research cost Siege increased standard
Research cost Handcraft I standard increased
Research cost Seafaring increased standard
Research cost Town and Harbor Addons (Slots) standard increased
Research cost Administration standard increased
Research Windmill +8% flour production +4% flour production
Research Clay Oven +8% bread production +4% bread production
Research Fortified Towers I +10% castle bonus +5% castle bonus
Research Fortified Towers II +20% castle bonus +10% castle bonus
Research Metallurgy I +2.4 weapons quality +3 weapons quality
Research Metallurgy II +4.8 weapons quality +6 weapons quality
Research Bellows -5% coal consumption armories -10% coal consumption armories
Research Melting Pot +5% efficacy iron smelters +10% efficacy iron smelters
Research Furnace +10% efficacy iron smelters +15% efficacy iron smelters
Research Large Forge +2 weapons per armory +4 weapons per armory
Research Hot Forge -5% iron bar consumption armories -10% iron bar consumption armories
Research Wood Usage +10% efficacy sawmills +5% efficacy sawmills
Research Pit Saw +20% efficacy sawmills +10% efficacy sawmills
Research Iron Tools +10% efficacy stone masons +5% efficacy stone masons
Research Stone Cutting +20% efficacy stone masons +10% efficacy stone masons
Research Fortification +50 battle points +30 battle points
Research Municipal Office +2 slots per town/harbor +1 slot per town/harbor