LaL-Calculator and Formulary (from all areas)
This formulary provides a deeper knowledge about L&L for players looking for more precise information. However, it is possible to have success in L&L without any calculations.
Strength of militias
- This area has no defense: 0
- A handful of peasants have formed a small militia here: 1-19
- A small militia defends this area: 20-39
- The militia of this area is well organized: 40-79
- A large, well organized militia defends this area: 80-159
- A very large, well organized militia defends this area: 160-319
- A very large vigilante group defends this area: 320-639
- The defense of this area is exceptional: >639
Strength of armies
- none: 0
- a few: 1-19
- some: 20-49
- several: 50-99
- many: 100-199
- a great many: 200-399
- a horde: 400-799
- incredibly many: 800+
Loading of Fleets
- fully loaded: >95%
- heavily loaded: 65-95%
- moderately loaded: 35-65%
- lightly loaded: 5-35%
- unloaded: <5%
- fresh: 0
- slightly exhausted: 1-9
- somewhat exhausted: 10-19
- moderately exhausted: 20-29
- highly exhausted: 30-39
- extremely exhausted: 40-49
- exhausted to death: 50+
- green recruits: 50
- recruits: 51-70
- soldiers: 71-90
- experienced soldiers: 91-110
- veterans: 111-120
- elite: 121+
Costs of spies
- gold needed: 15000-(guild's level*600)
- ore needed: 200-(guild's level*8)
- logs needed: 100-(guild's level*4)
- bread needed: 1000-(guild's level*40)
- training time: 24-guild's level
Reduction of exhaustion of armies
rate of reduction each tick without research (field kitchen) = 1 rate of reduction each tick with research (field kitchen) = 2
- level of castle 1 & 2: +1 rate of reduction
- level of castle 3 & 4: +2 rate of reduction
- level of castle 5 & 6: +3 rate of reduction
- level of castle 7: +4 rate of reduction
Reduction of exhaustion of spies
rate of reduction each tick = 1
The research area "Thieve's Tools" reduces the gain of exhaustion during espionage activities (similar to "Tactic" for armies).
- level of guild 1: +0 rate of reduction
- level of guild 2-4: +1 rate of reduction
- level of guild 5-7: +2 rate of reduction
- level of guild 8-10: +3 rate of reduction
Strength of spies
- strenth of spy = experience - exhaustion
- In every spy action, militia support the owner of the estate (this is based strictly on of the percentage of militia in the field.)
Calculation of the upper limit of armies
army limit = (square root of ((sum of the levels of all castles)*4))+3
Calculation of the upper limit of fleets
fleet limit = square root of (sum of the levels of all harbours)+1
Calculation of the upper limit of spies
spy limit = (square root of ((sum of the levels of all thieves' guilds)*4))+3
Calculation of the costs of bureaucracy
cost = (number of fields*(number of fields/2)-100)*1.5*5*(e to the power of (-0.0016 * honour))
Calculation of the noob protection
Noob protection = 60.000 points + 6.000 points every completed 50 turns
Calculation of the honour lost
Honour lost = (points aggressor / points defender) * (-6) + 6
Concerning the calculation of the aggressor's points and the defender's points, please refer to the chapter Honour!