The research performed in your laboratories can improve multiple areas in your economy and military. The overview shows the amount of science points produced by your laboratories during the last turn. These science points, however, are only one part of the research effort; all research needs also to be funded by gold.
For every used science point 2 units of gold are needed.
So, a lot of gold is required for research. This gold has to be deposited in advance into the research fund and is withdrawn from there in every turn. If there is not enough gold in the fund, all gold is used up to fund as many science points as possible; then, research is stopped.
The various research areas are structured into 10 paths, which each consist of 10 levels. There is the Path of the Peasantry the Path of the Military, the Path of Siege, the Path of Handcraft I, the Path of Handcraft II, the Path of Espionage, the Path of Seafaring, the Path of Town and Harbor Addons (Slots), the Path of Administration, and the Path of Heroes (not yet implemented). Only one path is researched at a time. The currently researched path is marked with a candle to the left side. The path can be switched my selecting it at the left side and clicking the "research"-button. Path-switching can take place at any time; previously acquired research is not lost this way.
As soon as all research paths have reached level 10, the 'endless research' can be started.
The current research status of the respective path is shown as a gray bar. When the bar is full, then the next research level has been achieved. When a path has been fully completed, the research of another path is started (or continued) automatically; this automatic switching always starts at the topmost unfinished path. The research success is also reflected in the ranking - the score is increased by 1 for each 8 science points used in research. However, with increasing levels, the 'endless research' counts less and less to your score.
The regular weapon quality for calculating the combat value is 5. Metallurgy I and II increases this value.