The research performed in your laboratories can improve multiple areas in your economy and military. The overview shows the amount of science points produced by your laboratories during the last turn. These science points, however, are only one part of the research effort; all research needs also to be funded by gold.
For every used science point 2 units of gold are needed.
So, a lot of gold is required for research. This gold has to be deposited in advance into the research fund and is withdrawn from there in every turn. If there is not enough gold in the fund, all gold is used up to fund as many science points as possible; then, research is stopped.
The various research areas are structured into 10 paths, which each consist of 10 levels. There is the Path of the Peasantry the Path of the Military, the Path of Siege, the Path of Handcraft I, the Path of Handcraft II, the Path of Espionage, the Path of Seafaring, the Path of Town and Harbor Addons (Slots), the Path of Administration, and the Path of Heroes (not yet implemented). Only one path is researched at a time. The currently researched path is marked with a candle to the left side. The path can be switched my selecting it at the left side and clicking the "research"-button. Path-switching can take place at any time; previously acquired research is not lost this way.
As soon as all research paths have reached level 10, the 'endless research' can be started.
The current research status of the respective path is shown as a gray bar. When the bar is full, then the next research level has been achieved. When a path has been fully completed, the research of another path is started (or continued) automatically; this automatic switching always starts at the topmost unfinished path. The research success is also reflected in the ranking - the score is increased by 1 for each 8 science points used in research. However, with increasing levels, the 'endless research' counts less and less to your score.
The regular weapon quality for calculating the combat value is 5. Metallurgy I and II increases this value.
The Path of the Peasantry
This path is more expensive for warriors
Research | Type | Description |
Scythe | direct effect | The crop output of grain fields is increased by 7%. |
Grainary | direct effect | The decay of your grain stockpile is reduced by 5% (i.e. halved). |
Fatigue Duty | direct effect | The building time is reduced by 15%. |
Windmill | direct effect | The efficacy of windmills is increased by 8% (settlers) or 4% (warriors). |
Clay Oven | direct effect | The efficacy of bakeries is increased by 8% (settlers) or 4% (warriors). |
Herbalism | direct effect | Population growth is increased by 20%. |
Crop Rotation | direct effect | The crop output of grain fields is further increased by 8% (+15% in total). |
Industrial Cooperative | direct effect | The building time is further reduced by 15% (-30% in total). |
Civil Defence | direct effect | The proportion of the populace participating in the militia is increased by 50%. |
Hygiene | direct effect | Grain decay is further decreased by 5% (-10% in total, meaning no more decay takes place). |
The Path of the Military
This path is more expensive for settlers
Research | Type | Description |
Training Camp | direct effect | Generals gain an additional level after army training or splitting. The generals therfore start with the rank of a Chief Youngling. |
Military Training Area | direct effect | Enhances the troop quality of the swordmen. |
Archery | direct effect | Enhances the troop quality of the bowmen. |
Barracks | direct effect | Generals gain two additional level after army training or splitting. The generals therfore start with the rank of a Master Youngling. |
Phalanx | direct effect | Enhances the troop quality of the spearmen. |
Riding Range | direct effect | Enhances the troop quality of the horsemen. |
Tactics | direct effect | Armies tire less during fights. |
Field Kitchen | direct effect | Armies reduce their fatigue faste, i.e. by 2 per tick. In castles, an additional bonus is added. |
Military Academy | direct effect | Generals gain four additional level after army training or splitting. The generals therfore start with the rank of a Chief Hemmer. |
Field Hospital | direct effect | Combat casualities are reduced by 20%. |
The Path of the Siege
This path is more expensive for settlers
Research | Type | Description |
Arrow Slits | direct effect | The enhanced supporting fire bonus for castles become available. |
Ballista | slot addon/unit | Ballistas add an extra bonus for heavy supporting fire (similar to the bonus of archers). The maximum bonus is gained when an army has at least 10% of ballistas. A castle slot contains 4 ballistas which are added to the castle militia. This slot addon can be built multiple times. |
Scaling Ladders | direct effect | Each soldier (swordman, spearman, bowman, horseman) who has a scaling lader counts 1.1-fold during sieges. This research automatically refits every soldier with a scaling ladder. If you attack together with an ally who has not researched scaling ladders yet, the bonus will be reduced accordingly. |
Fortified Towers I | slot addon | The castle defence bonus is increased by 10% (settlers) or 5% (warriors). This extension can only be built once per castle. |
Blacksmith | direct effect | When researched, castles produce 2 weapons per castle level. Sabotaging a castle also sabotages the blacksmith. |
Siege Towers | unit | Each siege tower has a capacity of 400 men. Each soldier inside a siege tower counts 1.5-fold during sieges. The rest uses scaling ladders. |
Mangonel | slot addon | Each mangonel increases the battle points when defending a castle by 3-5. This slot addon can be built multiple times. |
Trebuchet | unit | Trebuchets cause 3-5 points damage to a castle during sieges. The maxmimum achievable bonus comes to 80% of the castle defence bonus. |
Fortified Towers II | slot addon | The castle defence bonus is increased by 20% (settlers) or 1% (warriors). This extension can only be built once per castle and replaces Fortified Towers I (if present). |
Burning Pitch | slot addon | Each slot increases the casualities of the attacker by 10%. For example, if the attacker would have casualtities of 10% and there are 7 slots with burning pitch present, the casualities are increased to 17%. This slot addon can be built multiple times. |
The Path of Handcraft I
This path is more expensive for warriors
Research | Type | Description |
Pulley | direct effect | The output of stone masons is increased by 5%. |
Huge Saw | direct effect | The wood cutters produced 5% more logs. |
Ore Processing | direct effect | The output of ore mines is increased by 5%. |
Metallurgy I | direct effect | The weapons quality is increased from 5 to 12 (settlers) or 15 (warriors). This value is used to calculate your troop quality. |
Mineralogy | direct effect | The output of your quarries is further increased by 5% (10% total). |
Gold Processing | direct effect | The output of gold mines is increased by 5%. |
Mechanization I | direct effect | Mechanisation of your wood cutters increases the output by further 5% (10% total). |
Mechanization II | direct effect | Ore mining is enhanced by mechanication. The output is increased by further 5% (10% total). |
Metallurgy II | direct effect | The weapons quality is increased from 12 to 20 (settlers) or from 15 to 25 (warriors). This value is used to calculate your troop quality. |
Mint | direct effect | The gold output is increased by further 5% (10% total). |
The Path of Handcraft II
To be able to research this path, you first have to research Handcraft I to level 5
Research | Type | Description |
Wood Usage | direct effect | The efficacy of your saw mills is increased by 10% (settlers) or 5% (warriors). |
Iron Tools | direct effect | The efficacy of your stone masons is increased by 10% (settlers) or 5% (warriors). |
Bellows | direct effect | The coal consumtion of your armouries is reduced by 5% (settlers) or 10% (warriors). |
Melting Pot | direct effect | The efficacy of your iron smelters is increased by 5% (settlers) or 10% (warriors). |
Strip Mining | direct effect | The output of your coal mines is increased by 10%. |
Large Forge | direct effect | Each armory produces addionally +2 (settlers) or +4 (warriors) weapons. |
Pit Saw | direct effect | The efficacy of your saw mills is further increased by 10% or 5% to a total of 20% (settlers) or. 10% (warriors). |
Stone Cutting | direct effect | The efficacy of your stone masons is further increased by 10% or 5% to a total of 20% (settlers) or. 10% (warriors). |
Hot Forge | direct effect | The iron bar consumption of your armories is reduced by 5% (settlers) or 10% (warriors). |
Furnace | direct effect | The efficacy of your iron smelters is further increased by 10% or 5% to a total of 20% (settlers) or. 10% (warriors). |
The Path of Espionage
Research | Type | Description |
Poisoner | direct effect | The action 'poison wells' kills 20% more populace. |
Secret Library | direct effect | The experience of your own (or your allies) spies trained in your guild is increased by 15% (maximum 130 points). |
Rhetoric | direct effect | The number of militia affected by propaganda is increased by 20%. |
Forged Documents | direct effect | The chances of an exposed spy to escape are increased. |
Fire Accelerants | direct effect | Sabotage efficacy is increased by 20%. |
Great Auditorium | direct effect | Your spy limit is increased (also see formulary). |
Camouflage | direct effect | The efficacy of infiltration attacks on castles is increased by 20%. |
Thieve's Tools | direct effect | The fatigue gained for performing spy actions is reduced. |
Psychological Warfare | direct effect | The efficacy of the 'impede advance' action to increase the fatigue of an enemy army is increased by 20%. |
Assassins Training | direct effect | The efficacy of the 'assassinate general' action is increased by 20%. |
Der Pfad der Seefahrt
This path is more expensive for settlers
Research | Type | Description |
Small Galley | unit | Small Galleys can be built. |
Medium Galley | unit | Medium Galleys can be built. |
Light Naval Catapult | ship weapon | Ships can now be refitted with light catapults for short distance attacks. |
Large Galley | unit | Large Galleys can be built. |
Longship | unit | Longships can be built. |
Heavy Naval Catapult | ship weapon | Ships can now be refitted with heavy catapults for short and long distance attacks. |
Enhanced Shipping Space | direct effect | Ships with 20% more shipping space can be built. |
Caravelle | unit | Caravelles can be built. |
Greek Fire | ship weapon | Ships can now use deadly flame projectiles. |
Carrack | unit | Carracks can be built. |
Stadt und Hafenerweiterungen (Slots)
This path is more expensive for warriors
Häfen und Städte können so wie Burgen mit Slots ausgebaut werden, wenn die entsprechenden Technologien erforscht wurden. Entsprechend ihrer Ausbaustufe, können in Städten und Häfen folgende Slots gebaut werden:
- Level 1-2: 0 Slots
- Level 3-5: 1 Slot
- Level 6-8: 2 Slots
- Level 9-10: 3 Slots
Slots mit der Wirkung "same field", wirken nur auf das Stadt/Hafenfeld selber. Slots mit "angrenzender Wirkung" wirken auf die Umgebungsfelder abhängig vom Level der Stadt/des Hafens:
- Level 1-5: 6 Umgebungsfelder ("1er Ring")
- Level 6-10: 18 Umgebungsfelder ("2er Ring")
Um diesen Pfad erforschen zu können, muss zuerst Landbevölkerung Stufe 5, Handwerk I Stufe 5, Belagerung Stufe 7 und Seefahrt Stufe 7 erforscht werden.
Research | Type | Description |
Stadtrecht | same field | Das Limit für die maximal mögliche Bevölkerung wird um 50% erhöht. |
Handelskontor | same field | Das Handelskontor erhöht die Steuereinnahmen in der Stadt um 100%. |
Befestigungsanlage | same field | Verteidigungsbonus von +50 (settlers) bzw. +30 (warriors) Kampfwert. |
Leuchtturm | same field | Das Feld erhält die Sichtweite eines Level 5 Leuchtturms. |
Raststätte | same field | Der Ermüdungsabbau von in der Stadt/ im Hafen stationierten Armeen wird um +1 erhöht. |
Bauerngilde | adjacent fields | Die Effizienz von angrenzenden Pferdekoppeln, Mühlen und Bäckereien wird um 10% erhöht. |
Geschützstellung | same field | Ballistas und Mangonels können stationiert werden. Wirkung wie in der Burg. |
Werft | same field | Nur in Häfen. Der Schiffbau in dem entsprechenden Hafen wird um 15% beschleunigt (nur für neue Bauaufträge). |
Bergwerk Gilde | adjacent fields | Der Ertrag von angrenzenden Bergwerken wird um 10% erhöht. |
Handwerkergilde | adjacent fields | Die Effizienz von angrenzenden Sägewerken, Steinmetzen und Eisenschmelzen wird um 10% erhöht. |
Der Pfad der Verwaltung
This path is more expensive for warriors
Research | Type | Description |
Kartografie | direct effect | Zielfeldeingabe für Schiffe auch in FoW. |
Militärakademie | direct effect | Armeelimit +1. |
Hafenmeisterei | direct effect | Schiffslimit +1. |
Wehrpflicht | direct effect | Erhöhte Milizqualität. |
Steuereintreiber | direct effect | -5% Bürokratiekosten. |
Stadtamt | direct effect | +2 (settlers) bzw. +1 (warriors) Slot für Städte und Häfen. |
Generalstab | direct effect | +2 Armeelimit. |
Marineamt | direct effect | +2 Schiffslimit. |
Partisanentraining | direct effect | +20% Ermüdung durch passiven Widerstand. |
Steuersystem | direct effect | -10% Bürokratiekosten. |
Alle Forschungszweige gehen über Level 10 hinaus endlos weiter. Die Endlosforschung kann erst begonnen werden, wenn alle Forschungen bis Stufe 10 erforscht sind. Der Abstand zwischen der höchsten und niedrigsten Forschungsstufe aller Forschungen kann maximal 5 Stufen betragen. Folglich muss dann zunächst die Forschung/en der geringsten Stufe weiter erforscht werden. Die zusätzliche Forschung bringt für jeden Level über Level 10 hinaus folgende Vorteile:
- Pfad der Landbevölkerung: +1% extra Getreide Ertrag und +1% Effizienz von Mühlen und Bäckereien pro Level
- Pfad des Militärs: +0.5 Kampfwert pro Level
- Pfad der Belagerung: +0.5 Kampfwert pro Level während Belagerungen
- Pfad des Handwerks I: +1% extra Ertrag für Holzfäller, Steinbrüche, Erzminen, Kohleminen und Goldminen
- Pfad des Handwerks II: +1% extra Effizienz für Sägewerke, Steinmetze und Eisenschmelzen
- Pfad der Spionage: +0.5 Erfahrungspunkte extra pro Level für neu gebaute Spione
- Pfad der Seefahrt: +1 Erfahrungspunkte extra pro Level für neu gebaute Schiffe
- Ausbauslots (Stadt/Hafen): +5% Goldeinkommen extra pro Level für Handelskontor