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Version 5.0

The easiest and quickest way to defend a field is to set up a peasant militia. To set up a militia, simply increase the defense value of the field. Setting up militias works instantly and only costs gold and no additional resources. However, militias are very poorly equipped and not trained at all. A militia is therefore usually not a major obstacle for a real army, but it can at least hinder the enemy's advance. The defense value corresponds to the number of militia soldiers. These consist of 20% swordsmen, 60% spearmen and 20% archers.

A maximum of 20% of the poulation can be recruited into the militia (30% if "Civil Defence" is researched). If members of the milita die, the population of the field decreases.

Militia 01.jpg

Raise militias

A maximum of 20% of the rural population can be drafted into the militia (30% if 'Civil Defense' has been researched). If militia soldiers die, the population of the country will decrease accordingly.


Militias are raised in the field view. The desired number of militias can be set using the arrow keys (1) or the maximum possible number of militias can be selected (2). The purchase of the militia is completed by clicking on the "Buy" button (3).

To make this easier in larger realms, it is also possible to set up militia under Incidents for several selected field or building types. Border fields, war borders and sea borders can also be marked.

Simply enter the maximum desired militia strength in the field on the right and press the "Increase militia" button. If you have enough gold, you can set up as many militia as you want or less if you don't have enough. For example, you can select all fields and enter 9999 militias to raise as many militias as possible on all lands.


Set up militias automatically

When you conquer new fields, it is often desirable for a new militia to be set up immediately, also to protect your armies from enemy espionage actions. For this purpose, you can set the desired amount of militia in the army building menu, which is then automatically deployed on each newly conquered field (provided you have enough gold). To always deploy the maximum possible number of militia, you can also simply enter 9999 here, for example.


Effect of militias on enemy espionage actions

Militias support your spies in defending against enemy espionage attacks. The percentage of the militia in the total population is decisive for the effect. If the militia is expanded to the maximum, your spies receive a corresponding bonus of 20 points, or 30 points after researching the civil defense.

Effect of militias on enemy fatigue

Another important function of militias is that they hinder the advance of enemy armies through partisan activities. In contrast to combat fatigue, this is also known as passive fatigue. The size of the militia is decisive for passive fatigue:

  • Passive fatigue = 50 * militia / (militia+1000)

If the army has a hero with the "Logistician" ability, passive fatigue can be reduced by up to 50%.

Strength data of militias

If a player doesn't have a spy placed on an enemy's field, the received information about militia is very vague:

  • This area has no defense: 0
  • A handful of peasants have formed a small militia here: 1-19
  • A small militia defends this area: 20-39
  • The militia of this area is well organized: 40-79
  • A large, well organized militia defends this area: 80-159
  • A very large, well organized militia defends this area: 160-319
  • A very large vigilante group defends this area: 320-639
  • The defense of this area is exceptional: >639